Friday, 3 January 2014

The Fault In Our Stars book review!

Happy New Year everyone, I can't believe it is 2014 already! I'm still writing 2010 down as the date, I hope you all had a wonderful time and had a brilliant start to the year.

I have been wanting to read 'The Fault In Our Stars' for so long because John Green is my favourite author and it has had insanely good reviews , so Santa was very kind and got it me for Christmas!

As soon as I opened this I pretty much read it as soon as I could and I finished it Boxing Day, I can proudly say I was/am obsessed with it. This is probably my favourite book I have ever read because it is so emotional, positive and negative, and I feel as though Hazel and Augustus are my friends- John Green is such a beautiful author.

What I love about the book as well is that the further the story develops the more Augustus becomes a main part and the growth between Hazel and Augustus' relationship is simply wonderful to read and know about. I also loved how the romance between them both wasn't your normal romance that you know. They both go through so much together yet it doesn't tear them apart, it's lovely.

Now now everyone gather round I think I have sussed something out. You know how Hazel and Augustus go to Amsterdam to find out more about what happened next in 'An Imperial Affliction' by Peter Van Houten because they felt as though the story didn't have a proper ending well I think that John Green is Peter Van Houten in the book. You are all probably thinking what are you crazy? But just hear me out. You know how Gus and Hazel say that 'AIA' has no real ending and it stops because the girl either dies or becomes too ill and they have so many questions about each character, don't you think that TFIOS is like that? It has no real ending- it ends because Gus dies, you don't know if Hazel dies or if she lives longer, you don't know if Gus' mum and dad are still together, you don't know if Hazel's mum and dad split up if she dies. We have so many unanswered questions, just like they do in AIA. It's just a thought!

Now I don't want to bore you all with my rambling because I could honestly talk about the book for years so I think I should end here. All I can say is if you get the chance to read The Fault In Our Stars (or any of John Green's books) DO!! As well the film is coming out this year so go and watch that and then read the book maybe?! I am SO excited for the film!! SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ THE BOOK.

Thank you for reading
Lots of Love
Abbie XX

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