Saturday, 12 October 2013

Being Happy

Well hello there my beautiful internet friendlings. I am back on my blog yet again, yes it hasn't been a week it has only been 24 hours but I felt as though my first blog wasn't a proper blog it was just an introduction so you could call this 'Chapter One' (or if you'd like my first real blog). 

I have been told a lot that I am a happy person and I get told/asked 'Abbie, are you ever sad?' or 'Abbie how are you always so happy?' someone even said to me in art on Monday 'Abbie it's Monday morning how are you so happy and awake?' So with me being bombarded with these questions a little light bulb went off in my head *ding* and I thought WHY NOT MAKE A BLOG. So here I am (am I the only one singing the Victorious theme tune now?). Anyway I shall commence...

You are never taught at school how to be happy because you have to find out what makes you happy and you have to just think happy. Some people may be thinking but I don't know what makes me happy or I don't know how you can think happy. Well here's what helps. It may take you a long time to figure out what makes you happy, you may think that you keep on making mistakes or that you keep on messing things up but you are never making a mistake you are simply having lessons. So now lets erase the word 'mistake' from you vocabulary and replace it with 'lesson'. Each lesson you are having is a lesson closer to finding out what makes you happy. You now may be thinking what makes me happy, well... life in general makes me happy. I have no reason to be sad no reason at all so I don't see the point in me being sad. I always have a bad day once in a while, everyone does, but I try to turn it around. I just pause things for a moment and think of every reason i should be happy and every reason i should be sad, I end up having a gazillion reasons to be happy and no reasons to be sad so why should I waste a day being upset and miserable when the good things outweigh the bad? 

Now let me get on to how to think happy. I understand bad things happen in life and there are hurdles you have to face but just think that each hurdle you are facing in life, the closer you are to discovering who you really are- you become stronger from it. As well there is ALWAYS a positive to every negative you may think pfft no there is not. Well yes there is and if you can't think of a positive just think of the reasons you should be happy and compare them to the reasons on why you should be sad and guess what, you're as happy as larry again.

This all may be a lot to take in at one time. So I shall now do my '10 top tips on how to be happy':

1. There is always a positive to every negative.
2. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best of you.
3. Learn to love yourself- this may be very hard at first but once you do you never look back.
4. Things could be worse e.g. today my brother was complaining how he had to work a 6 hours shift so I said 'it could be worse' he asked me how so I simply replied 'You could be working a 7 hour shift with a less hourly rate pay' that definitely put things into perspective.
5. Take a step back from things when it's getting hard and think of the good things going on in your life and then compare them to the bad. The good things overshadow the bad.
6. Don't compare yourself to anyone because you are just as good as them but just in different ways.
7. Love, Live, Laugh. Love- find out what you love and never let go of it. Live- Be happy because you are alive, you are beautiful and you are a one of a kind, no one is like you , you're special. Laugh- Apparently laughing makes you live longer so why not!
8. Everything happens for a reason
9. Never doubt yourself. The word impossible is two letters too long, you never know unless you try.
10. Say yes, you never know what happens. I say yes to everything I can because you have been given the opportunity so grab it while you can (again am I the only who has started to sing everyday from high school musical?), i'm sure it will be great.

Thank you so much for reading sorry if it's too long or too serious (if ya get meh) but I hope this can help you somehow.
Lots of Love
Abbie XX

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