Thursday, 17 October 2013

Bucket List:Paris

Or should I say bonjour?!(if you pardon the pun). I thought that each month I could do a little ‘series’ about one thing on my bucket list, so this first blog about my bucket list is going to be about the number one thing on my list- going to PARIS!

I’m not too entirely sure why I want to go to Paris so badly I guess it’s just how it's so beautiful and perfect. As well I just love how it’s so naturally beautiful and how it changes each season yet still looks mesmerizing. (Ooo good word Abbie!) I am so desperate to go to Paris that whenever I daydream I think about what I would do/where I would visit. Yes I have already planned my trip (how sad am I).

So let me tell you about my trip that hopefully one day I shall experience (DON’T JUDGE ME PLEASE). Me and my family would stay in a cute boutique hotel on the outskirts of the main part of Paris and each morning we would have breakfast at a little café near our hotel because French cuisine is simply wonderful! And then of course we would have to visit the main attractions: Eiffel Tower, Love Lock Bridge/Pont de l'Archevêché, Notre Dame, Arc de Triomphe/Avenues de champs elysee! HOW EXCITING! When I go to Paris/if I ever go to Paris I would love to go in winter because then I could wear lots of layers and jumpers and who doesn’t love to layer-plus it’s super beautiful then!

I mean how can you not love it! However I feel like it's time for me to go on I just ramble and ramble I think it's worrying how much I talk sometimes. 

Au revoir 
Beaucoup d'amour (how clever am I?!) 
Abbie XX

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